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Then ( console. Catch ( console. Log ); recursive Boolean, if true scraper will follow hyperlinks in html files. Don't forget to set maxRecursiveDepth to avoid infinite downloading. Defaults to false. MaxRecursiveDepth Positive number, maximum allowed depth for hyperlinks.

Other dependencies will be saved regardless of their depth. Defaults to null - no maximum recursive depth set. MaxDepth Positive number, maximum allowed depth for all dependencies. Fleet Maintenance Pro 14 Serial Numbers on this page. Awus036h Linux Driver. Defaults to null - no maximum depth set. Request Object, custom options for. Joseph Delaney Torrent Ebook Search. Allows to set cookies, userAgent, etc.

Then ( console. Catch ( console. Log ); defaultFilename String, filename for index page. Defaults to index.html. PrettifyUrls Boolean, whether urls should be 'prettified', by having the defaultFilename removed. Defaults to false.

IgnoreErrors Boolean, if true scraper will continue downloading resources after error occurred, if false - scraper will finish process and return error. Defaults to true. UrlFilter Function which is called for each url to check whether it should be scraped.

Defaults to null - no url filter will be applied. Then ( console. Catch ( console.

Log ); filenameGenerator String (name of the bundled filenameGenerator) or function. Filename generator determines path in file system where the resource will be saved. ByType (default) When the byType filenameGenerator is used the downloaded files are saved by extension (as defined by the subdirectories setting) or directly in the directory folder, if no subdirectory is specified for the specific extension. BySiteStructure When the bySiteStructure filenameGenerator is used the downloaded files are saved in directory using same structure as on the website: • / =>DIRECTORY/ • /about =>DIRECTORY/ • // =>DIRECTORY/ Then ( console. Catch ( console. Log ); httpResponseHandler Function which is called on each response, allows to customize resource or reject its downloading.